Tuesday, November 4, 2008

my heart is glad and heavy

first the glad:

Tears of joy while watching John McCain concede to Barack Obama. And for a moment I thought I was being ridiculous. But then I decided I wasn't being ridiculous at all. I'm excited to see what happens. I hope that there will be some real change, but know maybe I'm just dreaming, as every politician makes promises that they cannot keep. And then I remind myself that we've just elected the first african-american president in our history, and I convince myself change must be a-comin'!

now the heavy:

Aubrey has journal time in class just about every morning. Today Mr. R sent home the completed journals from September and October. It looks like he gives the students a starting idea, and they write a sentence or three about it, along with drawing a little picture. This part of Aubrey's day has been tremendously helpful in strengthening Aubrey's writing skills. However, Aubrey's entry for October 27th -

"Something scary happened to me this weekend. I was fat."

NOOOOOOOOO! Why oh why is my 6 year old saying this? Coincidentally, (or maybe not) later that day Aubrey told her friend Corin that she (Corin) was fat. Corin is obviously larger than Aubrey, but fat she ain't. Ugh, really, a 6 year old need not worry about her size, or that of her friends. It's so sad. And I feel like it was my fault, because it's entirely possible that the weekend she "was fat" was a weekend when I was bloated and hormonal and my clothes that are kinda tight anyway because of weight I've gained were tight enough for me to tell Andy I was fat. Dang those little ears that hear everything. CrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapCRAP

Heavy heart, indeed.

Know of any good books or websites that address body image, self-esteem, all that fun stuff?

In other news, my camera has been found. Picture updates in a few days.


  1. It was very moving, indeed!

    bless your heart mama. I don't know what I would do about that one. I wish I had some advice. Big hugs to you sweetie. Hang in there! You have such beautiful girls.

  2. I cried too. More so during McCain's speech than Obama's. Weird.

    ...I don't know what to tell you. I suppose start off with "What made you feel that way?"

    Can't wait for pics!

  3. I'm trying to think of where I heard about a website specifically for young girls that helps with self esteem issues. I'm sure she was just saying it and that she didn't actually FEEL fat. My son says things all the time just because he doesn't know what they mean (he says the word "eventually" all the time but doesn't know what it means). I'm sorry dude.

  4. a little update...

    she was mostly just saying (writing) it - in her class you aren't allowed to write what another classmate is writing, and apparently everyone else took her other ideas. There's some consolation in knowing she didn't think of fat = scary first.

    she was quick to point out that she does think Corin is fat for real, though, so we also talked about how everyone comes in different sizes, and the only control we have is to exercise and eat healthy, and that it's not scary to be 'fat' if you know you are healthy.


Thanks for letting me know you were here! :-)