Friday, December 5, 2008

and now we're home

We actually got home Thursday evening.... 2 days later then planned as Lauren began puking Thursday evening. She got well enough to travel just in time for us to leave Monday a.m. By Monday evening, I was feeling ill, and since my body kinda went into self-preservation mode, I was just kinda ill for our drive home - enjoying the company of many fine porcelain toilets when we'd stop in the evenings. And now I feel like crap. Ugh.

In other news, my girls got in the holiday spirit this evening, and now there's something sitting in our fridge waiting for the coming days. Let's play a little guessing game, okay? Here's a few random hints.... there are 5 left. We started with 7, but we had to eat some right away. They are rather round - they'll roll right off the table if we aren't careful. Lauren is in tears that I won't let her have another one right now. Any guess what it might be? Any guess at all? Stay tuned for more (possibly less random) hints and the big reveal. :-)

Did I mention I'm sick? I want my mommy! And I want to sink into a pile of pillows and dream of fields of wildflowers and New Mexico sunsets. Not the stupid 3+ inches of snow on the ground and the single digit temps promised for later this weekend. Today I hate winter. Maybe not tomorrow, but today I do! I got one Christmas gift made tonight, though. Asked Aubrey if she thought Jaimie would like it, and Aubrey replied with, "No, I think we would." I took that as a compliment. I'll try to take pictures tomorrow, once I empty the camera of our Thanskgiving pictures.


  1. oh YUCK. I'm so sorry! Glad you're home safe though. Feel better!

    I'm guessing....hard boiled eggs.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Glad I found your blog. :) You have a beautiful family and I was happy to see you over the summer.

  3. SO glad you are back. I've missed reading your blog.

    Glad you got home safe, I can't even imagine a drive like that! I hope you are all feeling better.

    I'm going to guess fudge. Round fudge.

    New Mexico sunsets-yes nothing like it!

    I want to know what you made for Jamie. Pics pics pics!!!


Thanks for letting me know you were here! :-)