Thursday, October 9, 2008

Single-tasking Challenge

I found this article about how multi-tasking isn't all that great, and it made lots of sense to me.

I want to take this challenge, but I can't commit to it at the moment - I need to mentally prepare myself. I know, silly. But still, the thought of NOT answering the phone when it rings because I'm making dinner, while freeing, is also kinda scary. Anyone want to single-task with me? Might be the motivation I need to give it a try. :-)

In other news, Aubrey was up off and on throughout the night because her ear was hurting her. So I kept her home from school, and she seems fine. So fine that I threatened to take her to school when she was driving me batty. Hopefully she'll be fine tonight, because I'm sure the pain comes from laying down long enough for the fluid to work its' way up into the ears. Maybe I'll just have her camp on the recliner tonight and call it good.

And, Colleen just called (I sent Lauren to daycare today even though I'm working from home - I cannot work with her here!) to say that Lauren keeps going up to Grace. "You Grace. My name Warren. You can say 'Hi' me now. I Warren." She's done this repeatedly. Only to Grace, who has been at teh daycare since before lauren started going - it's not like Grace is new there. Too silly.

And, my typing what Lauren was saying, made me notice that each of girls, before they could pronounce their own names, had "boy names." Aubrey called herself 'Bobby' - a nickname that has stuck with our sometimes-babysitter, Ashley, who always calls her 'Bob.' And, obviously, Lauren calls herself 'Warren.' Bobby and Warren, my boys. :-)

Okay, back to work I go.......

1 comment:

  1. I am the worst multi-tasker in this world...I must read that article!


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