Friday, April 8, 2011


I'm walking on eggshells, waiting for the icky morning sickness to start. So far, I'm okay unless I don't eat enough, or I eat too much. And I'm fine with this level of sickness, except I'm afraid it's gonna get worse, and I'm waiting for that to happen. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Yuck.

Oh well. In other pregnancy relate news, most people I know are socially aware enough to know that some things are not cool to say to the pregnant lady. But for one girl I work with. Poor thing is seriously lacking in social etiquette. Her initial response to me was, "Oh God." At which point I walked away, using work as an excuse to not stay and chat longer. The next thing she said to me when she came into my classroom several minutes later was, "Uh oh???" To which I replied, "No!" with an edge to my voice implying that she was horribly wrong to think this baby was an 'uh oh.' Really, lady, none of your effing business!!!

And really, I do not mind sharing how this baby came to be (umm, not THOSE details, but the planned vs. unplanned aspect), but when someone is going to take such a rude stance, and NEVER ONCE say "Congrats!" or "How exciting!" or some other positive, encouraging remark, THAT person is not going to get any part of the truth. I will lie to her. Grrrr. She makes me so mad!!!

While I'm venting, I'm gonna let all the biotch out. Pregnancies are not 'uh ohs' or 'mistakes.' If you are having sex, you might get pregnant, even when using protection. Says so right on the box or package or printed material. Pregnancy is an assumable risk of having sex. A pregnancy might be a 'surprise,' but call my baby an 'uh oh' or a 'mistake,' and my fist flying into your face is an assumable risk.

Okay, enough about stupid people. Now for the juice. :-) This baby is God's plan, and our plans are quickly readjusting around God's plan! And we are fine with it. Excited, in fact. Really, really excited. Except for the waiting-to-puke, that is.

I want to not have an ultrasound, and be surprised by baby's sex upon delivery. Andy doesn't like that idea. We'll see what happens. I say an ultrasound is unnecessary, as we specialize in girls. :-)

Oh, and my 'due date' is November 26th. Our children have always been born on someone else's birthday. Well obviously we are all born on someone else's birthday, but I mean someone very important in our lives... Aubrey on her Godmother's birthday, Lauren on my grandmother's birthday, Sasha on Andy's dad's birthday. So, the weeks surrounding November 26th look like this: Andy 11/12, Andy's grandma 11/19, Andy's mom 12/9 (or is it 12/10? crap, it's one of those days). So, what day will it be??? :-)


  1. wow Rachel, i love how you worded the part about no baby is a "uh oh"! so very awesome, and so so very true.

    i'm super excited for you and your family.

    and i say you stick to your guns and wait for the sex to be known until he/she makes their first apperance into this world. nothing like a good surprise!

    I vote for 11/19 as the due date. 11/19/11 has a nice ring to it!

  2. I love the fierceness of your protection over your children. That's a mom right there. I hope baby is born on 11/11/11. That would be AWESOME. (that's my sister's due date)

  3. Rachel, you are AWESOME! I absolutely LOVE your stance on baby's never being an uh-oh or a mistake. Absolutely awesome. You're kids are so lucky to have you as a mom!


Thanks for letting me know you were here! :-)