Monday, July 18, 2011

goggles and ice packs

Sasha needs goggles, because her big sisters have goggles. She's yet to want to stick her head under water, but she still feels like she needs to wear her goggles. Too cute.

Anyway, this girl who must be just like her big sisters, but who is also entirely independent and free-thinking and unconcerned with the way things should be, has got some silly ideas about how the world works. So when she hurt her foot this afternoon and I held an ice pack on her foot, it didn't take long for her to take the ice pack out of my hands and off of her foot. Her right cheek needed the ice. Doesn't matter where she actually gets hurt, the right cheek always needs the ice. She tried holding the ice pack on both cheeks, but that was not as comforting as the right cheek alone. All this because the first time she used an ice pack, it was on her right cheek. I'm glad it was one of her northern cheeks, and not a southern cheek. And I kinda hope she never outgrows this oddity.


edited to add: is it difficult for anyone else to type 'goggles'? Google is such a part of my life, I kept typing 'google' and deleting to fix...


  1. Funny. I read it as "google" at first too!

    My kids absolutely refuse ice packs in any way, shape, or form. If it's an owie on the mouth I can give them a popsicle or ice to suck on, but that's it.

  2. she is awesome!

    When I saw this on my sidebar I actually read Google and Ice Packs and thought what? she's googling ice packs?

  3. Too cute!!! I love that free spirit and how young ones tend to repeat things like that out of remembrance and not what they really need.

    And yes, I probably would have typed Google as well!


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