Thursday, July 14, 2011

baby names

Oiy, the baby name discussions have begun, and man, oh man, is it tough. We don't like trendy names. Andy has an aversion to old names. I'm with him on some... Bertha ain't ever gonna happen. But some old names? Some old names are just awesome. The man has no respect for the classics, I tell you!

LOVE the name Oscar, but seeing as that was our cat's name, we can't do that. Or I feel like we can't do that, at least. LOVE the name Ruth, but Andy cannot stand it. Ruth is the strongest contender for a girl's middle name, because Ruth is my grandmother's name - but Andy keeps hoping I'll agree to another name from that branch of the family tree...

Anyway, maybe we've found the perfect name. Boy or girl, it wouldn't matter (which is super cool, as each of our girls' names could be boy names. Anyway, this name is super unique, the kid would have an easy enough time learning to spell it, and it's just cute. Super cute. Drum roll, please....

Baby's name will be W. 'Dub' for short. Isn't that awesome? I don't know why we never thought of that before, but we LOVE it!

Hahahahaha. No, we don't love it. At all. But we think it's hilarious, so this kid is currently being called 'Dub.' Oh, and if I am creative and gutsy enough to post something to this effect on fb, please do me a favor and play along like you love it, okay? ;-)


  1. Choosing names is the hardest part of parenthood, I swear. :)

  2. I think Kristin would be a lovely name from the sort-of-Kailey side of the universe. Or Lavender - boy or girl! hehehehehe Just glad all is going well for you and Dub. Love you!!!


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