Friday, October 8, 2010

coughity cough cough

We've been coughing in this house since school started. On August 23rd. No longer sick, thankfully, but still coughing. Frustrating!

Oh, we may or may not be moving next summer. Cross-country. Again. Ugh. I'll keep you updated as I get real information, right now there is none.

And, if you've even wondered if a BlackBerry can swim, the answer is no. Sasha wanted to see how my phone would do in the dog water. It wasn't pretty. My service bar, that shows was network I'm in (3G, gsmt, etc.) actually said SOS. I kid you not. Had I not been so freaked out, I would've taken a picture. I'm pretty sure the SOS in this instance stands for Save Our Simcard.


  1. If you move again can it please please pleaseeeeeeee be to Albuquerque, NM?

  2. When we get sick, we cough for 4-6 weeks afterward at my house. It kills me. It pretty much means we cough all winter long.

    Husband has a job interview in KANSAS next week. Can't imagine anything worse than KS...except for maybe his interview in ALASKA a few weeks after that. Ugh. Good luck if you do move!

  3. Lingering coughs drive me crazy, hope it leaves your household soon and for good!

    Moving across country, wow, good luck! Keep us updated :)

    As for the phone, so not cool. Did they replace it for free or did you have to pay?

  4. you are so funny "SOS" i wish i were as witty as you. :)

    i vote for CO if you move, just sayin', and since nothing is concrete i figure i should put in my requests now...

    hope the sickies leave your residence soon.


Thanks for letting me know you were here! :-)