Sunday, January 11, 2009


Friday night my church had a women's retreat at a nearby bible camp. This is the 2nd year in a row I've gone, and it is such a nice weekend.

No family pressures, no phone ringing, no computer calling my name to check my e-mail, no t.v., except the movie we all watched together - Steel Magnolias. I don't think I've ever watched that movie all the way through. I've seen it many times up until Shelby falls as she's picking up her son. Then I promptly turn the t.v. off or change the channel or something. But this time I watched the entire thing. Seriously, I cannot think of another movie that makes me cry that hard for that long. But I liked it. A lot. (And all my high school english teachers are cringing at my misuse of "a lot" but tough!)

Lots of great, deep conversations about Jesus' love for us, and lots of fun conversations about nothing much. Oh, and spa treatments. That was the theme - Heart Spa - so there were facials, hand treatments and foot treatments.

This year I invited Colleen to go with me. We roomed together, and then when we were split into small groups, by God's design we were in the same group. I had figured that we probably wouldn't be in the same group, but as it turns out, the lady dividing us put all names into a hat, prayed over the hat that we would each end up where we were supposed to be, and tada Colleen and I were in the same group. :-)

Really, it was such a nice time, and I left with my spiritual cup refilled. And some resolutions, if you will, of some things I need to be taking care of in my life.


  1. The retreat sounds wonderful! I'm glad you came away feeling rejuvenated. The Lord is good!

    That movie makes me cry as well.

  2. sounds so relaxing!

    I can't believe you had never seen "Steel Magnolias" the whole way through. Good movie!

  3. that sure sounds nice! steel magnolias is one of my favorites.


Thanks for letting me know you were here! :-)