Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tree Huggin' Tuesday

Mellow Yellow

Have you heard, "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." ? :-) We try to practice this. Lauren does really well if she's the first, but if some one is already letting it mellow she freaks out, "Mice pee! Mice pee! Flush the toilet, I have to peeeeeeee!!!" I have no explanation for the whole mice pee thing, except to say that Lauren is crazy.

I also brush my teeth while showering. I know folks who pee in the shower, and others who save bath water and dish water to water their plants. Wait to do a load of laundry until it's a big load. Bathe only on the 5th Sunday of every month. Just kidding about that part. I think.

What other ways can we conserve water?

Happy Huggin',


  1. Well I at least have the laundry thing going for me. I only ever have huge loads of laundry somehow, even if I do it every day.

  2. i first heard of "if it's yellow let it mellow..." from Michelle. but prior to that i wasn't flushing. i met Michelle in San Fran for my 28th bday, and when i went to the bathroom i told her i told flush, and she's like "neither do i!" it was a really funny moment. i think you had to be there.

    one new thing that i do: sunday's are what i call my lazy day, and i usually don't take a shower until the afternoon, so i don't really feel "dirty" in the morning. so on Monday's I don't take a shower. and i usually have at least two days a week (depending on how many days i work out) when i don't wash my hair, so my showers are much shorter.


Thanks for letting me know you were here! :-)