Sunday, October 19, 2008

Quick, any AMAZING ideas?

I just found out about Google's 10th Anniversary contest - Project 10 to the 100th -

Searching for the next big ideas that will help us all. The deadline is tomorrow, in case you've got a plan to save the world and want Google to help you make it happen. I can't imagine how many ideas they've got coming in, but what a cool idea! I keep thinking, even the ideas that won't win might get enough exposure to cause some little ripples of change, if not tidal waves. Woohoo. I'm ridiculously excited. Maybe partly because I submitted my very own world-saving idea just moments ago. My idea - replace as many household paper products as you can with cloth. Napkins, diapers, papertowels, toilet paper, baby wipes, menstrual pads, you get the idea. I gave much more detail in my submission, and now it's late and I'm sleepy, so if you want any more information, let me know and I'll share (FYI - all of my examples are ones that I personally do - though the toilet paper is not a 100% commitment - mostly because I don't have that many wipes. Well no, I have that many wipes, I just don't like laundry that much - and, speaking of laundry, I just throw the napkins and extra kitchen towels in with my regular towel loads while the diapers, wipes and pads, they get their own load with a pre-wash soak to boot - only 1 more load of laundry a week for our family of 4).



  1. do you have high efficiency washer with a sanitize mode? I'm not sure I could do that without the sanitization (is that a word?).

  2. No, I do a cold rinse with vinegar and then wash on hot. And I don't use fabric softener - that blocks absorbency. I do smell-check, and never have to rewash anything. Also, none of us girls (my husband isn't so sure of the cloth wipes yet) have had any UTIs or other issues that might seem likely to appear if our wipes (or my pads) weren't truly clean. I know it sounds kinda gross, but I actually prefer using wipes over TP - it's softer and more, umm, effective. ;-)


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